And so it begins

The past couple of years I have tried to get ready for an Ironman. And this blog was devoted to the endless training that was required. There was a theory I would eventually get it done.

Except I haven’t.

I have an admission to make. In life you can do the following three things:

  1. Family
  2. Work
  3. Ironman

But in my life I only get to pick 2 of 3. And I love this kid and his mom


And my master plan to become independently wealthy didn’t quite pan-out 🙂

Part of the reason this blog has suffered is because – well – it was a hard to admit to myself that this was a multi-year plan that got derailed.


At the end of the day, my goal in life is to do an Ironman, and when I see 70+ year old men doing Ironman, I think – okay – I can do this. I am not saying no forever, just for the moment.

And so


a NEW IT begins…

With that reality staring me in the face, for the moment, I will stick to training for 70.3’s. Maybe when Nicholas is older, maybe when my professional life is less complicated or if I ever solve that need to work thing…

In the meantime, my goal is to get a lot faster in the 70.3. Turns out learning to go faster is almost as an insane a challenge as trying to go longer.

And to go faster I have to lose MOAR weight. My thinking is I need to get below 175… Or lose as much weight this year as I lost last year! EEP!

Without further a-do here’s the current weight situation


You’ll notice upwardly sloping curve in November. This coincides with my marathon. I went to Greece and ate MOAR food. And then after the race was over, I was like – WHY STOP NOW!!!!

Early December, I kept gaining weight and I was like – I like this fatter chubbier less sexy me… And then the scale tipped over 200 pounds and I was like – NOOOOOO

And so in early December, I decided the curve had to move in the right direction. This has meant starting my training for 70.3 in Hawaii early and not eating as much.

One funny thing is that pre-marathon I didn’t lose or gain weight. And I have discovered that I was eating all-the-time. I mean literally all of the time. Going back to losing weight has made me appreciate how much food I was consuming…


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