After getting back into blogging, I had a down week … fortunately because I had a wedding to attend.
Unfortunately, I had a really tough workout day involving 1:30 run in the morning and a 1:30 bike ride in the evening.
The run was a mess. It was super hot, so I demonstrated aptitude and learning because I didn’t die of dehydration. However, I also showed that I can screw up in new and exciting ways.
I bonked. OMG. Bonk’s suck. When you bonk every step, every movement is excruciating. And I was in excruciating unbelievable pain.
What’s stupid is that I had GU in my gym back. I just forgot to take it. And I thought, whatever, 1h30 minutes is not that big a deal. Except it was just before lunch. And I barely make it to lunch without eating. I tend to crap out from hunger.
So what was supposed to be this easy, pleasant run turned into something epic.
I felt like this dude from tough mudder. Crawling towards a finish line that is almost too far away.
And then I had a 1:30 bike ride in the evening. On my new shiny bike, mind you. And this time I said – damn it I will not bonk. So I ate power-bars and was fine… Except I wasn’t … Because once you are bonked, forever will it dominate your brain and you will keep eating past the point of hunger.
And then you have this feeling of disgust, not from the food volume, but because a Power Bar tastes like partially de-hydrated sweat. And when you are not hungry, it’s really really gross.
But that’s okay, because I had a couple of days to recover. And go to a wedding.
And the weight update
We moved in the right general direction this week. There was a sudden dip on Wednesday probably caused because I was super anxious about putting on weight at the Chinese banquet. And lo-and-behold in spite of my best efforts, I ate a shit load of food. I mean 2-4 pounds worth of food.
But this was a wedding banquet I had been waiting on for a very long time. So it was okay.